Capital Rivers Commercial

Podcast: Dutch Bros Aaron Harris: Coffee, Community and a Commitment to Culture

If you listen to ONE commercial real estate podcast this year, this is the one to download:

Everybody knows Dutch Bros these days- an IPO, a $6 BILLION valuation, and a culture that most companies envy. But did you know it all started almost 30 years ago with a simple coffee cart in a rural Oregon town? The same service you received from that small town โ€œBroistaโ€ has been successfully replicated, and amplified, in hundreds of locations across America. In this episode, Capital Rivers President & CEO Greg Aguirre welcomes Aaron Harris, VP of Development, Real Estate and Construction at Dutch Bros. Aaron shares his personal story- the wins, the failures, pro wrestling, and how it shaped him as a person and business leader.

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Dutch Bros is one of the leading companies when it comes to expansion and that is why CRC wanted to hear it straight form the source on how to follow in their footsteps. Company culture and values have taken this coffee shop to new heights that they couldnโ€™t of possibly planned for. This business model and advice can be transferred to any aspect of life in terms of achieving your goals, not just commercial real estate.

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